I am angry at how clever this is. Well done.
I am angry at how clever this is. Well done.
I have a double basin sink with a strainer in each drain. I actually have two types of strainers depending on if I want to be able to plug the sink or not. Sometimes, things get by because it’s not like a strainer always stays 100% perfectly in place.
No, this was just from general wear over time. It would be less bad if we threw it away at the first sign of wear, but that felt wasteful. Why ditch a sponge with a little wear on one side when the rest remains fine? Now we know.
This is where I am going to get on my soap box (pun intended) and castigate the entire Scrub family.
When snaking my shower drain, I get to go pretty dang far down to remove a clog. I was easily to the point point where my kitchen sink joined the drain line. Among the last things I pulled out were several Scrub Daddy chunks of good size. Can I be sure that these caused the clog? No. Am I sure these could screw up my septic pump or cause clogs even further down? Absolutely.
The chunks these sponges shed can wreck havoc on your drain system. It’s not worth it for a tool that cleans no better than a dish rag and a stiff bristle brush. Those actually clean better, last longer, and are more environmentally friendly.
I want to love Scrub Daddy. I just cannot afford the aggravation and potential cost they bring with them as they break down.
You know it. I hope it is as fun as it looks to be.
This is the best thing about having kids as they get a little older. I put one gift under the tree labeled, “To: Billy and Dad; From: Dad.” My wife wants nothing to do with a 2-player historic war board game about the battle of Stalingrad and the difficult choices commanders must make. My oldest, 11-years, loves military history and war games. I could not lie, though. I was buying it for me and not just for him.
Oh, I see your mistake. Those are Samsung fridges. Nothing has a shorter lifespan than a Samsung fridge. Since there are two they will die together to maximize the inconvenience factor, and they thus must be clicked simultaneously. That is the only way a fake Samsung fridge could mimic the frustration caused by a real one.