That’s like reaching the top of Mount Everest with oxygen and fixed ropes. You can only brag until you talk to a /real/ climber.
That’s like reaching the top of Mount Everest with oxygen and fixed ropes. You can only brag until you talk to a /real/ climber.
No Netflix, only chill.
Most of them are not good at selling anything. That’s why they give them a script to follow, which also restrains the good salespeople in a callcenter. If they change the way of their offers - maybe custom generated deals based on available customer data by an AI that management trusts more than people - they might sell better than Pajeet ever did.
Let’s add some advertisements to this, sou the AI can sell you stuff while not helping you.
I do not know too many people that are happy after a scripted indian callcenter experience. Replacing the people with shitty generative AI will only make it a little bit worse.
They limit the resolution on linux and even getting 1080p as a paying customer is very hard.
Didn’t watch, but AI generated a summary:Sound nice, but need an extra power source. Raspi as a DAC. Planar drivers.
Not for me.
Australia does compete in the ESC :D
I compared AA flights from NYC to Paris on Google flights. Those were the real prices.
Business class costs 5x economy, first class is 10x
I would have to work months to be more comfortable for a few hours. Nope.
Nice little hiss
Just disable the services you do not want to expose. Windows firewalls are a security risk with no real benefits.