Are you using the EA version or the standard?
Are you using the EA version or the standard?
So unless you live in an area with fiber, asymmetrical speeds are pretty typical… I’m not sure if it is because it’s all coax so there are infrastructure limitations? But it’s actually gotten faster because 6 months ago my upload was only 30 mbit/s.
Once fiber is in my area I’ll switch to that, but symmetrical will add more cost…but of course it will lol
pay $180/month for 1gbit down/100mbit up and it is unlimited… It would be $130 for 1.75TB, but I wanted unlimited and that is an extra $50/month
God Dammit! Now Im getting SponsorBlock ads in lemmy! When will it end!
Christian brings up some great points worthy of consideration; however, if your going to use traditional routing through their network (A/cname) your still doing the same thing. CF will still see your traffic.
The second thing I should say is, I only use zero trust for websites I share with family. So, I have a Searxng and wef/voyager dockers running through zero trust.
For admin, homeassistant/iot/ip cams, I use an always on IPSec vpn on my iPhone, iPad, and steam deck (take it to work and plug into 3rd monitor) … this is cool because I get 24/7 ad blocking no matter where I am because it routes all my traffic through my pihole at home. This is a great solution for a single person, but I do not want to manage vpn access for multiple ppl. So, I agree with christian in NOT putting admin stuff/sensitive info behind CF at all (zero trust OR tradition web routing) unless you fully trust them. Otherwise do a 24/7 vpn like I do.
I do this for some dockers in my unraid, except I use the zero trust tunnels. MUCH easier, can use SSL, and can set up a login page for users. Also, you don’t have to open any ports on your router!
Im not sure about synology, but I would assume you can find a “cloudflared” docker in the app store.
check out this youtube video for a good explanation:
Well a very merry unbirthday to you as well!
That’s good to hear, it’s an awesome system if you already have a 3d printer
And a 3D printed adapter (3m taped to case) and kickstand from (was able to get stl files at no charge way back)
Then my standard charger for all my devices is the anker 715 + anker usbc power line III cable 6ft
Currently my UPS is reporting 207 watts, that’s with a unraid server (3600 + 32GB ram + 2060 super for plex, and 6 drives), a mini pc for pf sense, a rpi 4 running pihole and vpn server, a single poe ap, a modem, and security cameras… it can spike to 250w with multiple encodes going on from family … but overall not bad… I did have a dedicated 20A switch installed for just my network closet as well
I think it runs great! I get most 30 fps unless I’m in the main town which it’ll dip down to 23-25 and stay around 27… shrines and cutscenes are 30 with very little to no frame stutter
It does not run out of the box… I’m using a “EA” build of yuzu, I have 4 mods + update 1.1.1, then I’ve changed settings within yuzu for just this game. If you’d like to know specifics I’ll do a write up. Sounds like a lot of work, but I set it all up in about 15 min or less
Nothing is ever free. You pay somewhere.
Mullvad the best VPN around (IMHO) is 5euro (5.40 usd)/Month … Not very expensive (one again IMHO)
PIA is what, $40/yr, or something like that
I wouldn’t risk it without a VPN. I guess you could use TOR or i2p, but I don’t use enough of either to make a valid comment on its use.
Beat TOTK on Switch, now replaying on Yuzu on Steam Deck
I’ve done this twice now (mine and friends) and it’s was super easy took about 30ish min.
Put new drive in usb-c m.2 adapter
Verify your drive locations
Used this command:
sudo dd if=/dev/nvmeOn1 of=/dev/sda oflag=sync bs=128M status=progress
Restart deck and boot from usb-c to verify everything works
Swap out drives
Def not a math major (BS/PharmD), but your explanation was like seeing through a visual illusion for the first time! lol
I was always taught PEMDAS growing up, and that the MD and the AS was read left to right in an equation like above. But stating the division as a fraction completely changes my mind now about how this calculation works. I think what would happen in a calculation I use every day if the former was used.
Example: Cockcroft-Gault Equation (estimation of renal function)
(140-age)(kg) / 72(SCr) vs (140-age) X kg ➗72 X SCr
In the first eq (correct one) an 80yo patient who weighs 65kg and has an SCr ~ 1.5 = 36.11
In the latter it = 81.25 (waaay too high for an 80yo lol)
edit: calculation variable