Can we route payment through the Cayman Islands? Asking for a friend.
I steal crumbs.
Also I maintain a secret cache of documents underneath the Alaskan tundra with the help of a diesel generator, some very large goggles and a years supply of smoked frozen herring.
Can we route payment through the Cayman Islands? Asking for a friend.
Community relevance checks out.
I’m going to upvote and temporarily approve this post.
Association of Suffragettes Accepting Purgatory
A Sugar Apple Perfection
A Super American Penis
Its been 3 months since we got wisdom from Skelator.
Please fill out this captcha form to prove you are a moth. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=i+am+a+moth&iax=images&ia=images
found it! at lemmy.world
Doing the lords work
Kind of funny the upvotes and downvotes are just about equal.
Elf on a shelf to Doris the Orifice.
Skelator gives zero fucks
Happy to win against 19 Ostrich fearing downvotes
This is OUR quality content comrade!