I like clean water, good weather forecasts, and I want to fix the bridges.
I like clean water, good weather forecasts, and I want to fix the bridges.
Yeah my life doesn’t leave me a lot of room for creating posts. I know how much work that takes.
But I’m good at running my mouth, so I try to comment these days because I know that engagement drives engagement. (I have no idea what drives post visibility on Lemmy though. Is there an algorithm here?)
I’m not working tomorrow, so I’ll have time to read some research! But I’ll never argue with funny adorable owl pics of any sort either haha
Oh interesting! I had never heard of BirdNet or Bird Pi. It looks like Cornell Lab integrated that machine learning project into the Merlin app:
Merlin also sound identifies a Northern Flicker in the woods behind my house that I’ve yet to see.
And yes educational! It was your long form posts from a couple months ago that really drew me into the community. I was just really impressed with the level of detail and really appreciated it. I like learning new things that I wouldn’t necessarily take the time to seek out myself. I was reading those even though I didn’t comment much at the time.
Birds. I guess it doesn’t feel that niche because I know lots of people are into bird watching, but it’s my thing.
There’s this app called Merlin that I swear to god is magic. You can just open your mic and it’ll listen to and identify all of the birds you’re hearing.
And it really works! For the longest time, it kept identifying a Carolina Wren in my yard, and I thought it was just wrong. I’ll be damned if I didn’t eventually see that wren, and now it frequents the bird feeder I set up on my deck. It’s just my shyest bird. But the app knew it was out there.
I’ve learned so much about birds and identifying them from using the app. And I’ve gotten really into how, when, and what to feed birds because I want to find more different kinds, and I just love watching them on the deck interacting. I call it my cat TV haha
I’m also learning a ton about owls specifically over on the superbowl@lemmy.world community. Did you know there are owls in the desert and owls in Jamaica? Come over to the community where @anon6789@lemmy.world makes the most amazing educational posts. It’s a lot of fun.
Sheepsquatch is the new jackalope
The onshore tax havens Delaware, Wyoming, and Nevada are vastly worse in scope than any offshore country. They push the narrative about those “terrible foreign countries” to distract us from this fact.
The problem is US tax code, not offshore financial centers.
Your facts don’t support your conclusion, kiddo.
We’re all saying that you’re up-playing it. It’s not that hard to understand.
Here, let me help you:
I have neighbors who got a one story tall inflatable dragon for Halloween last year and just left it up until Christmas. It was so popular that this year they have an entire yard full of Christmas dragons. I love it.
This kind of passive bigotry is necessary for genocides to occur. It is the foundation on which the mechanisms of genocide are built.
It’s not just no good; it’s terrifying.
This was very much my experience with the trans girl I grew up with 35 years ago. From the instant she was able to express preferences (I’m talking like age 18 months to 2 years), it was all princesses and dolls and makeup and trying on mom’s high heels. We all just assumed she was a gay boy because we had never heard of a transgender person before.
We encouraged her to just keep that behavior at home because she was bullied mercilessly for appearing to be an effeminate boy. But nothing would stop her; she was completely irrepressible.
When in high school, she told us she was really a girl, it was like the most face-palmingly obvious thing. Of COURSE that’s what we’d been seeing her entire life. It just made sense. That’s just who she is.
The most effective medication is the one that actually gets used.
Physical therapists have definitely taught me reparative exercises that I would never in a million years have thought of on my own. PT is a god damned miracle drug.
Sodium response is a lot more complicated than that, and a more accurate metric is probably dietary sodium:potassium ratio.
My understanding was this was the actual intended use case for NFTs. To allow you to properly own a digital item. The fact that it got applied to a stupid fad right out the gate doesn’t change the fact that it should actually be used to allow us to own things again.
Oh, so it’s yet another one of those problems caused by that whole “let’s take this four legged mammal body plan and make it stand upright” thing. Thanks, evolution!
I can’t tell you how often this ends old people’s lives. They start to aspirate food, get hospitalized for nasty pneumonia because of it, we try to feed them pureed food (essentially baby food all over again) and thicken their drinks, they struggle to stay hydrated and nourished because of it, they aspirate and end up in the hospital again. Rinse, repeat.
This is shockingly common. Evolution is a dick.
Are you suggesting a privatized National Weather Service and toll bridges would be better? If so, I have a nice bear-ridden town in New Hampshire you might like to move to.
Regulations are exactly how you deal with negative externalities.The EPA makes corporations pay for reducing pollution and cleanup. Why do you think corporations target EPA so much? Because EPA costs them money. Never hear any corporations whining about that free taxpayer-funded geological data coming out of USGS