I pay an HoA, its like $30 a year. While they dont encourage it, they dont care either. They really dont do anything except twice a year they bring out garbage trucks/dumpsters to the nearby school to dump/recycle things too big for a trash can.
Hello fellow childless 32 year old. You get that plant!
Signed, Another childless 32 year old that just planted day liilies and strawberries
What if you were gonna lie though
wiggles fingers jazzily
casually j-walks across a non busy street
Id go for some chocolate milk
“I live my life a quarter sandwhich at a time”
My taste buds sound similar to yours. Whats your take on onions?
“I dont think this bubble can get much bigger”
Dota is a complex game. Best thing I can recommend is watching pros or their coaching sessions and understanding why they do what they do. But my two cents at that mmr, id imagine theres room for improvment in these areas:
having map awareness, knowing what all the items do, knowing what all the heros cam do, mechanical skill, knowing when to rotate, when to pull creeps to maintain a prefferable lane position, how to find farm outside of your lane as a support, stacking camps, denying creeps, checking enemies items
Without hesitation.