I’ve seen these before, I can confirm it’s real
I’ve seen these before, I can confirm it’s real
Yup, I did that last year. I wrote a Linux ISO to my hard drive instead of a flash drive. It was interesting watching my desktop slowly fail. Thankfully I was preparing a switch to a different distro, so I had backed up what I needed.
What are the advantages of pacman?
I read this in Maurice LaMarche’s voice
My cats did the same thing when they found a mouse. They would stand guard where they first saw it for over a month afterwards.
I’ve had no issues using Lutris. When I add a game, I go through the Lutris menu and choose the Windows installer exe option (not at my computer, I can’t remember the exact name.) I know I’ve done Fitgirl repacks, I think I’ve done a Dodi one.
Negative, I am a meat popsicle