xtract ze vucking files
xtract ze vucking files
Some Americans do. I didn’t believe it either.
Once I noticed this instance name, I could not resist
You’re so damn confident with every comment that I am constantly struggling not to believe you’re actually Margot Robbie.
I actually left that instance just because it was always having issues…
You just can’t see the microscopic “for” in “OWN IT ^for NOW”
That is definitely an autofilled one-off password from a password manager.
Lower level means you have more control over the small details. However, that also means that you have to reimplement some things from scratch, while higher level frameworks do those things for you.
Finished it before 2.0 released. Had a lot of fun, even though I had to set everything to the lowest possible, including resolution downscaling. Now that 2.0 was released, I wanted to play through the story again but I just couldn’t. The lag was too unbearable and made the game unfun.
However, I subscribed to a cloud gaming service and am having a blast! Everything cranked up to max + RTX with minimal input latency. I was honestly impressed by how far the streaming technology has come.
The game itself feels and plays even better. A lot of annoying stuff has been fixed and reworked. There are still bugs, though.
Just finished basically every activity available and started the very beginning of the DLC. So far it’s amazing, even cooler than the main story.
I don’t have answers but I love this one. They’re usually pretty dumb, like a wrench on a motherboard or something. This one is actually funny with no intent on being serious.
So weird randomly seeing the name of my home city.
I’m guessing precise control is nice when you need a gap of very specific height in order for the air to make a difference but not be overwhelming.
Aglet. Not Phineas & Ferb. Terraria.
Unrelated - I love that picture. I want it as a wallpaper but it’s way too square. Do you have some source where I could get a higher definition, wider and/or taller version?