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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • The fact that making significant sacrifices in abandoning many of the decadent comforts of this period at our only habitat’s irreparable (on a human timescale) damage expense is met with ridicule shows how determined we are to wreck this place.

    Imagine mass famines and frequent catastrophic weather events a couple generations from now. I’m guessing they’ll look at us being above living with our once kind, nurturing habitat with disdain and bewilderment when they’re steeped in the fruits of our lifestyles.

    Im not saying going back to the dark ages, im not advocating rejecting knowledge, only the rushing around and consumerism. There’s no more reasonable room for growth, growth is killing us, and robbing us of meaning.

    If we can’t live with this paradise, the idea of us spreading to hostile, unforgiving worlds within reach like Mars or Titan is a bad joke. Unlike the infinite mistakes we get to keep making here without instant death, one major mistake out there where we didn’t evolve, and poof everybody dead instantly thanks for playing space faring civilization. That isn’t a game humans can pull off. Maybe some small crew of exceptional people, but certainly not a colony of regular people.

    This is what we got. So yeah, maybe spending our time whittling stuff we need and moving at the speed of horse would be better for humanity long term than racing to grow our GDP into extinction.

    Whats the endgame of all this growth and “innovation” if it wasn’t killing us as it is? To have Google ad AI generated amalgums of our dead relatives transmitted directly into our brains to convince us to buy more crap?

  • It does, but if a catastrophic war, including one with nuclear weapons, brought us down to 2 billion from 9, those nukes wouldn’t even touch the current course of heavy industry of 9 billion that we recklessly became without a thought in the world about whether our only habitat could support it.

    Because shooting wars end, even if through attrition. Industry just keeps metastizing if you let it, and pretty lies like “but we planted trees! That evens out all the shit we’re pumping in the air and water!” are just pretty lies.

    If we cared about our species having a future, heavy industry would be scaled back to food/medicine, we could sow our own clothes, go back to horses, breed less, communaly build our own structures, and whittle our own shelf crap, and we could perhaps still provide a future to subsequent generations. We do not.

  • People do that here. There isn’t a population center here where there isn’t a massive tent city or cities within it.

    In my opinion, a society where some people live in gluttony while others starve is worse than a nation where all struggle, because a society would divide resources equitably. We’re worse because we have more than enough to feed, cloth, and educate everyone, but a few thousand sociopath families want to live like modern Pharoahs, that makes us a lot worse than a nation ethically that simply doesn’t have enough food, homes, or educational resources, because impoverished nations don’t choose to have a massive underclass as we do.

    Getting ahead in a capitalist economy is more about birth lottery than anything, a few get lucky ingratiating themselves to the sociopathic monsters that own this system that we should be dragging out into the streets and letting homeless encampments, their greatest victims, decide what to do with, but our brand is supposedly upward mobility, and we’re far from the top of that list in the world.

  • “I want to educate the next generation!”

    Society: Oh shit, guess you’ll be a forever renter having your empathy manipulated into forcing you to buy your student’s school supplies.

    “I want to run a hedge fund and send letters to the companies I own pressuring them to destroy their business model by giving their product/service improvement and employee bonus money to meeeee, and also fire the workers that made them so profitable for a short term stock bump, also for meeeeee!”

    Society: get this man a private jet.

    Our society lives in service to our economy, the opposite of the entire point of an economy. Our economy should tax and punish attempts at selfishness, and reward pro-social vocations that help society. No hope of that until collapse, but its sad to watch.