See these all the time, unfortunately. I just add a line in the torrent client to not download anything with that file extension.
See these all the time, unfortunately. I just add a line in the torrent client to not download anything with that file extension.
Now I gotta go listen to The Dead Milkmen
Look. I-- I’d had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was, ‘That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah.’
Barbuta took a lot of restarts but was extremely satisfying to beat.
A couple of things come to mind here:
I own a metal one which I assume was dishwasher safe but somehow water got trapped inside the ‘extra’ parts of it which could be unsanitary due to the water eventually stagnating.
Another is that the heat from the dishwasher can warp and silicone or plastic parts which will render them unusable eventually.
Not saying you’re wrong but this is what I consider from the warning they provide.
From my experience, most canteens they sell are marked as not dishwasher safe.
I think there was a missed opportunity here to represent their fight with sticks as the blocking of ads.
The murder of Julius Caesar - 44 B.C.
As I always say to my wife (who is from New England): Get ch’ya kaa keys outta ya kaakees, we’re goin to kankard(Concord), kid.
21st for the update. 26th for the DLC.
Sorry, this is entirely my fault.
Any minor inconvenience:
“That’s it. I’m getting me mallet”