Fun fact: Torx screwdrivers are compatible with Torx Plus screws, but Trox Plus screwdrivers are only compatible with Torx screws that are one size larger
Fun fact: Torx screwdrivers are compatible with Torx Plus screws, but Trox Plus screwdrivers are only compatible with Torx screws that are one size larger
Why is tamper-resistant torx plus the only one that’s 5-pronged?
To make it even less likely that someone will be able to get it unscrewed without having the right set.
They’re not perfect, obviously, but they do harden a target more than regular Torx.
I use tamper resistant screws to keep an AirTag on my eBike to discourage its removal. Obviously a determined thief could remove it, but lots of stolen bikes get abandoned anyway. My hope is that if it gets stolen it gets abandoned and I can find it then.
Okay, then a slightly different question: why aren’t tamper-resistant torx (non-plus) 5-prong?