Spotify wants me to have a card from said county. I read that you can use PayPal, but they want a phone number from that country.
Any advice?
Edit: I’m aware that there are a lot of solutions to get it for free. I’m aware that I can just download my music.
Currently, I’m running running navidrome for my downloaded music and x manager Spotify for myself.
My wife has an iPhone. I don’t want to download her music. But she’s paying full price for Spotify.
I also like to listen from my work desktop. I have administrative rights, but it would be really dumb to download something like this to my work machine.
In several countries, I can get Spotify for like $30 dollars a year for 2 people. This price would be worth moving to legal. Especially for her, since she’s paying $11 right now
Have you considered not Spotify?
Or just use the cracked versions if you have android
This is what I do. But my wife has an iPhone, and can’t.
I also want it on desktop
Spotify without a paid subscription on FF desktop with uBlock Origin is pretty good. It will start playing random music after a while, but it’s not enough to bother me. Just refresh and you can go back to listening to your music., preferably with SideStore
On desktop I just use my private hoard of music with Foobar2000
BlockTheSpot for desktop
Get a new wife?
How does this help the original question?
Because Spotify bad duh, this is Lemmy we don’t use bad things here.
Lol. Yes.
I download most of my music, but I haven’t gotten a new song in like a year and a half, so I want cheap, desktop something for the once in a while listening.
My wife has an iPhone and pays full price, this is also motivation
She can sell the iphone and get an android with the same specs and pay for spotify for a year and have dinner somewhere /s
Just use the free plan but download whatever you plan on listening to using any of the countless tools to do exactly that.