I want Darwin Claus to bring me random mutations that may or may not be beneficial to my survival and my capacity to create offspring.
Random mutations are the least potent source of change in evolutionary mechanisms. So much so that some experts don’t even consider them as one.
Reinforcement of already existing traits through variation between individuals under environmental preasure is the main mechanism. (i.e. when food sources are high, individuals with longest reach are the fittest).
And the longest reach comes from… random mutation?
How to say that you didn’t read Lamarck without saying that you didn’t read Lamarck. Even Darwin agreed with him.
Who the fuck made this meme? Kevin Sorbo??
Kevin sorbo when
When Kevin sorbo makes a meme
When I was a kid Darwin Klaus was played my dad. I play Darwin Klaus now. It is a great honour and a great responsibility among the hairless great apes. I love Sciencemas because it’s a beautiful way to celebrate the great brain Nature gave us, and the great discoveries we made along the road.
I got my present though and it was exactly what I wanted.
More posts on darwin award.
Natural selection never stops.
The Darwin child 😎
Why don’t we adapt religious holidays and make them more sciency?
Theists do this all the time, and it would stop them from claiming we aren’t allowed to celebrate their stolen holidays.
Quantum Santa can deliver presents everywhere at the same time, but shouldn’t be observed, or it would collapse into a singular outcome.
There are a bunch of events who use holiday times for other things.
In German we refer the time from first christmas day to first day of the next year just as “between the years”. (Some other languages do that as well) It seems the English term for that is “twelve nights”. That refers to a lunar calendar (354 days) being a bit shorter than a solar calendar (365.2422 days), which means you need to add leap days after the last day of the year to synchronize it with a solar calendar and the seasons which correlate with it. The roman calendar actually started with march.
Though it wouldn’t be hard to give christmas and the time around it more sciency names. Christmas is based on the winter solstice, the Roman calendar had winter solstice on 25th december and they celebrated the birth of their sun god, where they had parties and exchanged gifts.