I can’t decide if the subject or the hand coloring of the states bothers me more
Contiguous Michigan is personally the most upsetting to me.
Yeah split my state back in half you weirdo. Its supposed to be 2 peninsulas.
It just looks so… Wrong.
According to the law of US Canada Border Dominance, if a Michigander pisses into Lake Superior then it becomes part of the state.
Ontarians and Manitobans are trying hard to compete at the pissing contest.
Does it help to know that Michigan is also the wrong color on top of all of that? There are toes obscured by shoes on it:
What problem does OP have with Michigan? They’ve done MI dirty.
That just adds to the authenticity. That there is a working mans map
Which was it?
Time to update Minnesota
Minnesota doesn’t have toes anymore
So it’s just Minna now?
Does too, they are just slightly off flag. You can see them when gojira finishes his radiation breath
In a surprising turn of events, this graph will actually be changing soon! Minnesota will have a new state flag before too long.
Feet fetishists are out of control.
Ah yes, the Tarantino US map.
Virginia has toesies AND booba, can we get our own category
State flags that have boobs:
Sure, but you’re still not getting that traitor rag back.
but muh heritage or whatever 🙄
RIP colorblind people
This literally explains everything wrong in America
Massachusetts should be orange tho
This is slightly misleading. The Kansas flag, for example, does have human toes hidden by dirt rather than shoes (or shoes if we do not assume the farmer is standing in the plowed rut). I question the selection methodology. Since there are readily visible hooves on the KS flag as well as hidden human toes, should we assume that all of the yellow states also have human toes hidden? We can’t because of, for example, California, which has bear toes and no human.
TIL that George Washington(WA state) doesn’t have toes.
The liberal agenda is state flags with feet. At least it’s better than when they copypasta the racist confederate flag on to a state flag.
Why isn’t this part of social studies curriculum? I’m embarrassingly old to just be learning this now.
My state’s flag not only has toes, it has bear feet.
I’ve never been into flags, but I am amazed that I’m only just now learning that my state flag is not, in fact, an eagle holding an olive branch and arrows.