Hand starts shaking when he can’t update once an hour.
I started my Linux journey in the 90’s with Red Hat Halloween. I’m sick and tired of troubleshooting and Debian based distros have been fully painless. Those of you learning your craft should absolutely try to manage things like Arch, just leave my old and tired ass be and I’ll sit here with my old kernel and cheer you on.
Yup - if your goal is to use Linux to learn how Linux works and how it’s all put together then Arch is awesome. If you’ve got stuff to do and Linux is a tool to reach another goal, not so much. I like my tools to be stable, reliable and predictable.
There’s the old saying that Debian is available in three flavours: Stale, rusting and broken.
All of which are quite stable.
Whenever you get bored:
~$ sudo docker run -it --rm archlinux bash [root@5452124778b3 /]# pacman -Syu :: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... extra downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... resolving dependencies...
Its easier to use distrobox with podman
Could be. I know docker and this looked like a nail.
As a Debian user I agree with Loius Rossmann’s sage advice.
Edit: (make sure you enable unattended security upgrades at least so you can pretend that you only update once every few months)
For those missing context, Rossman uses a software that helps view the layout of Mac hardware… and it breaks literally constantly.
Never had any issues with Arch
Can I talk about our lord and saviour, NixOS, in these parts?
i use void linux and apparently it is a stable rolling release