Pretty much the title. What games do you love and what makes them not stardew valley stand out ( be it gameplay quirks, storyline, minigames… ) ?

    2 years ago

    I have been playing graveyard keeper .

    Ill warn you up front, this is not a game that is respectful of your time. It takes forever to build wealth or to walk anywhere, but I find it very zen none the less. It’s much more focused in resources than stardewvalley which to me feels like it overemphasizes money. Every single quest in graveyard keeper feels like the community center quests in stardew, it’s more about collecting rare or expensive resources than pure money making.

    The game in general puts a high time cost on everything and most things are only available on some days so a lot of the game is planning out the most time efficient way to use each day so you soend the least amount if time blocked.

    Also omg my inventory is always really full, even most of my chests are often close to full.

    I havent tried the dlcs yet, the game itself feels huge already, but they look like they add a lot of content.