Looks like they’re leaning in hard on the arcadey style of racing games. Lots of bright colors and a boost pad at one point.
Oh this looks like Forza Horizon all over again. They’re gonna have to do something actually different to sway people from Microsoft’s offering. Not saying it’s gonna be a bad game just for that, but its popularity will heavily depend on how much it’s gonna be its own game, rather than a clone, I believe.
Heavy Horizon vibes. Not surprised, but also not sure we need 2 Horizons. We’ll see, I might be completely off on this.
seems like theyre trying to be the “we have forza at home” for playstation
It’s the Crew 2 all over again with a new place -.-
Can we have racing games come out with actual gameplay and content and not these stupid live-service games that make you play constantly to unlock everything.
Honestly, that’s kind of where need for speed is at. For all its faults (and there are many), if you don’t want to go towwrds the sim racing type, that could be your option.