I have a full gauss prime set and don’t know if I should sell it.
More broadly, I hesitate to find the balance between building prime weapons and warframe or selling for plat because I don’t have any slot available. I started to put some sell offers on warframe.market and now wait. Should I sacrifice a bit Mastery ranks and trying warframes for plat ? To conclude; good game to everyone, and I hope you can farm what you all want :)
You should be building and using every Warframe unless you don’t have Warframe slots for it, for MR purposes.
To answer your question directly, yes gauss is fun. VERY fun. Zoom Zoom.
I’d recommend farming some common parts and selling those for slots instead.
Gauss has been my top favorite since they came out, their combat kit is just very useful, fun, and versatile for most mission types for me. But ultimately it comes down to your preference. For me, he’s very fluid and has fairly great defense, though the Prime version sacrifices survivability just a little bit.
though the Prime version sacrifices survivability just a little bit.
How so? Prime and normal versions are basically the same right? Apart from the minor buffs the primes get.
Sometimes with Primes instead of just buffing they tweak the balance a bit, and when I put the exact same mods and everything on my Prime, the health was lower and shields were higher compared to the original. So I have to be a bit more careful with them around enemies that target health directly.
I mean, ‘fun’ is personally subjective. What frames do you like more than others, and why?
I really enjoy Gauss because of the speed buffs his 4 gives along with the mini boosts or long dash with his 1. Melee-ing a group as fast as lightning, then immediately 1 dashing to the next group is satisfying af
I had a friend that liked Volt purely because he enjoyed the speed. I bought him a Gauss Prime set. That went over well.