Instance PeerTube généraliste, une bonne alternative à YouTube et autres plateformes de streaming contrôlées par des géants du WEB.
General PeerTube instance, a good alternative to YouTube and other streaming platforms controlled by WEB giants.
Will there be insurgencies in the former Ukraine territory? Or has their will be crushed completely? And what of the heads of state? Will the Ukrainian government trip over one another in efforts to cast blame and avoid fallout?
I’m afraid the issues in Ukraine will continue for some time. The lives they enjoyed pre-invasion are not coming back, even if they were physically unharmed.
Will there be insurgencies in the former Ukraine territory? Or has their will be crushed completely? And what of the heads of state? Will the Ukrainian government trip over one another in efforts to cast blame and avoid fallout?
I’m afraid the issues in Ukraine will continue for some time. The lives they enjoyed pre-invasion are not coming back, even if they were physically unharmed.
The territory Russia occupies has been trying to separate from Ukraine for the past 8 years now, there isn’t going to be any insurgency there.
I suppose time will tell. If it does happen, I’ll be interested in seeing how it’s presented in the media.