I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
I use Ubuntu btw
I hurd you btw.
Beat me to it 😂
A quotation circulates on the Internet, attributed to me, but it wasn’t written by me.
The main error is that Linux is not strictly speaking part of the GNU system—whose kernel is GNU Hurd. The version with Linux, we call “GNU/Linux.” It is OK to call it “GNU” when you want to be really short, but it is better to call it “GNU/Linux” so as to give Torvalds some credit.
We don’t use the term “corelibs,” and I am not sure what that would mean, but GNU is much more than the specific packages we developed for it. I set out in 1983 to develop an operating system, calling it GNU, and that job required developing whichever important packages we could not find elsewhere.
Is it the year of the HURD desktop?!
Why do I hear boss music?
There’s nothing to apologize for
Linux didn’t work on my random hardware!
Linux doesn’t have proprietary program X!
Linux didn’t work with my online game that forces you to install spyware on your computer!
Linux doesn’t let you know all the latest movies, products, and deals!
Linux didn’t make me agree to an EULA!
Something like that I guess.
Linux doesn’t let you know all the latest movies, products, and deals!
What does this mean? Genuinely Curious.
I guess ads
When you install Windows 11 it suggests OneDrive, Office 365, and Gamepass. After it is installed it will push news articles and advertisements in your start bar. If you use Edge it will also land on a default web page used to advertise products, services, and media.
I think there are some distros of Linux like Ubuntu that does some of these things, but nowhere near what Windows does now.
A lot of modern proprietary interfaces have started spamming people with ads about “the latest stuff” in the notification menu, the app launcher menu, and a few other places.
That sounds like quite a weird reason to prefer Windows, you can just follow an RSS feed with the “latest stuff” and not have it forced down your throat.
I don’t think people prefer it, I think they’re culture shocked when the algorithms stop telling them what to think. It’s an uncanny feeling at first and can be uncomfortable for some.
Linux doesn’t work with my (deprecated) Windows Mixed Reality headset, it’s not VR ready!
…Linux has a weak security system that open source advocates insist on keeping in the 2000s cause the nsa or something
I’ll die before I apologize for linux
I love that you called them apologists 😂
As a Marxist Linux user, I think I found my place lmao
Seems to be about memes and porn where I’m sitting.
The 100+ porn communities I’ve blocked agree with you
You can just turn nsfw off in your profile, no?
Theres a difference between nsfw memes and joke/shitpost content, and straight up porn though. Thats why i just have different accounts for different purposes, and on my main block porn as it comes up.
You could just make an account on an instance that defederates from porn to begin with, though
6 in one, half dozen in the other
TIL most people don’t know that “apologists” means apologetics which does NOT mean “apologize.” It means to defend something.
Apo + logos = words in defense of something. Easy peasy. But of course that requires some sort of education…
Not fluent in latin so thank you for clarifying :D learnt someting new
It’s Greek ;) Apo- is not very common, but you can spot it in “apocalypse”, meaning to uncover, to reveal (away + cover), for example. -logos (words) you have seen many times in all the -logy words, used to mean “study of…”
Sorry, my initial message sounded way too harsh but I think etymology is a super easy subject to teach kids and really helps when encountering new words and I think it’s a crying shame it’s not more popular, especially in English where you have so many foreign words!
I must be out of the loop. Are Linux apologists and tankies at cross purposes for some reason?
No but we (Linologists) would defeat them if we were
Okay fair enough, but if that’s the case, do you know what this meme is about?
Theres a joke some instances are filled with tankies and it can be annoying for non tankies, when in reality theres actually an even bigger amount of linux apologists who are even more obsessed about their passion/hobby than tankies and talk about it more than they do, which is likely to be more annoying for non linux users. At least thats my takeaway
That was… honestly a great explanation. Thank you.
But goodness what a deep and context specific cut.
Yeah. Linux is anarchist. Tankies don’t believe in Linux because it functions without state ownership. They think it’s a CIA psyop.
No? Linux is usually supported by leftists in general, especially considering the alternative is largely MacOS or Windows, both corporate spyware. Marxist-Leninist orgs like FRSO even use it as standard (check the bottom of the page).
Shush, I’m shitposting
Sure, I just think it’s left plainly enough that people could read it and genuinely believe that, almost on par with people who think Marx wanted the same formulation of society as Anarchists, when Marx wanted full centralization and Anarchists want full decentralization.
One of the biggest problems on the Left is people speaking past each other or extrapolating analysis from out of context snippets.
Tankies also don’t believe in gardening. They think the idea of food coming out of the ground for free is a pie in the sky delusion. Food obviously comes from the food factory, which is too big to be run by local communities.
Don’t really know what you’re getting at here.
Got ’em, right in the strawman 🥱
Still shitposting.
The argument is quite a Stretch.
RedStarOS has entered the chat
I’m not sure I agree with that interpretation, but that’s at least an explanation for why they might be at cross purposes. Can anyone else who’s upvoting the meme explain what this is about?
What if I’m both
But there are three figures at the bottom. The other two are Trekkies and Furries maybe?
All 3 have an IT job
cope and seethe, redditor
hell yeah!
So this giant comes from a place where giant trees grow.
Below average redwood