Nicotine is the chemical that gets you hooked and there is a reason birds in cities have been observed using them to line their nests to protect against mites.
That’s because nicotine–from whence neonicotinoids are derived–is an excellent insecticide. (Unfortunately neonicotinoids also kill beneficial insects, like pollinators, which is why their industrial usage is such a problem.)
Maybe it’ll make more people choose smokeless tobacco, which is nowhere near as (but still quite) unhealthy?
But yeah this seems paradoxical, nicotine is the least of your worries if you smoke cigarettes.
Nicotine is the chemical that gets you hooked and there is a reason birds in cities have been observed using them to line their nests to protect against mites.
That’s because nicotine–from whence neonicotinoids are derived–is an excellent insecticide. (Unfortunately neonicotinoids also kill beneficial insects, like pollinators, which is why their industrial usage is such a problem.)
I mean not the best argument against nicotine, plants make all kinds of wacky stuff to deter pests that we eat up. Capsaicin, caffeine, etc.