I didn’t have a degree either. Many companies are hurting for programmers. If they can pay one for even a year before they move on, they get good value from that. Almost everyone in the IT industry says you should job hop every two years until you settle down.
Besides, you can look for a new job while on your current job. You don’t need to guess and hope that someone will hire you at a better wage. You can just go see. And keep your current job while you’re at it.
That’s true, at least now I’m not desperate, so I can be a lot more picky. I’ve gotten good comments from coworkers at my job so I’m confident I will be able to find something when I’m ready. Still looking at 3-4 years I think it will be more credible especially in the currentl economy where businesses tend to be more conservative with hiring and finances
I didn’t have a degree either. Many companies are hurting for programmers. If they can pay one for even a year before they move on, they get good value from that. Almost everyone in the IT industry says you should job hop every two years until you settle down.
Besides, you can look for a new job while on your current job. You don’t need to guess and hope that someone will hire you at a better wage. You can just go see. And keep your current job while you’re at it.
That’s true, at least now I’m not desperate, so I can be a lot more picky. I’ve gotten good comments from coworkers at my job so I’m confident I will be able to find something when I’m ready. Still looking at 3-4 years I think it will be more credible especially in the currentl economy where businesses tend to be more conservative with hiring and finances