This sticker should be on the most of electrical devices.
Engage your safety squints!
Can confirm. Do not operate as fuckwit. Minimum level recommended as fuckwad instead.
This sticker is from AVE.
Keep your dick in a vice.
I stopped watching when he went full Canadian MAGA during covid… Any different today?
Well, I did the same. After a year or so, I checked back in and I think he toned it down (unless I am missing any rant vids that might happen). I still like some of what he does as long as he keeps politics out so I got very selective. I will still watch tool teardown vids or something, but I don’t watch any of his fireside chats as I now know his worldview is skewed in the wrong direction.
Despite that, he is still a very knowledgeable guy so I try and glean what I can that has actual value. That value now is certainly LESS than prior to him unveiling his conservative thoughts.
OSHA inspector: “Hazard labels in place on equipment and legible?” ✅
So, Florian must not touch it. 🤣
The scary thing is it just takes one moment of slipping back to your inner fuckwit