meme made by me using free libre open source software aka Gnu Image Manipulation Program (ak… aka GIMP) uwu

(Lemmy original meme fr)

    2 months ago

    The Linux thing pissed me off. He went out of his way not to follow instructions and tried to windows bully through shit, then called it out as unusable. Then he repeated the same garbage in different distros like he wasn’t the problem.

    Then there was when he had Honey for a sponsor, found out that they were link-jacking people, dropped them as a sponsor, and never said a word about it. He was the reason thousands of people were using the platform that was stealing from people and couldn’t be bothered to mention it on the wan show? When he dropped a VPN because they doxed someone, he had no problem with calling them out.

    Then there is this whole spat between him and gamers nexus where his current response is well yeah I did wrong stuff, but they didn’t give me warning and a chance to do damage control which is unethical.

    He tends to blow people at conventions off with “who are you and why should I care” meanwhile Luke is nice and amicable.

    He refuses to own being wrong. He’s childish. and every damn time I go back to try to listen to WAN show to get news, he comes out with some other piece of crap.

    Torvalds and Sebastion are both assholes.

    His channel brings news in, turns it into a digestable feed for the masses. That’s commendable.