Donald Trump declared a national energy emergency on the first day of his new presidency, as part of a barrage of pro-fossil fuel actions and efforts to “unleash” already booming US energy production that included also rolling back restrictions in drilling in Alaska and undoing a pause on gas exports.
The emergency declaration, which made good on a campaign-trail promise but could be open to legal challenge, would allow his administration to fast-track permits for new fossil fuel infrastructure.
It comes amid stated concerns about the power grid struggling to handle a projected surge in demand from data centers. “[The declaration] … means you can do whatever you have to do to get out of that problem and we do have that kind of emergency,” he said as he signed the order at the White House late on Monday.
“Fuck the planet. I’ll be dead from too much McD’s in a few years. What do I care.” - Trump
It’s why we shouldn’t let people who should be retired lead countries
Minor correction: it’s fuck all living things on this planet.
Planet Earth is going to be fine. And who knows, maybe some living things as well. Wouldn’t be the first time, cf. the Chicxulub Impact.
But yeah, things are looking grim for you and me.
Anyone here old enough to remember the Exxon Valdez?
Anyone here old enough to remember when Republicans would say “we don’t pick winners and losers?”
They really went full 180… we openly picked a winner, they’re our donors.
Oh yeah, I love Waterworld
Dude is openly speaking hell mass. He could be converting holy light from the sun to energy but nooo let’s release the stuff that has 666 in the periodic table.
Um what
I think they’re just saying the orange guy is going to unleash death and despair for those sweet, quarterly profits. But they are being creative about it.
Yeah I don’t get the religious references or why those should resonate with people…
Because the type of people that are gop are religious fanatics. So you need to speak to them at their level using their words. At the very least it may cause doubt in there belief the oil is the future.
Carbon is 6 proton 6 neutron and 6 electron, It bares the mark of beast! Taking it out of the ground (hell) and heats the earth when released into the air.
Tell the masses to embrace the warm pure light of the sun instead of the crude black demonnblood pulled from the depths of the earth.That only works for a portion of the GOP. The rest are either “I’ve got mine, screw you” or “I’m a closet fascist” types though, neither of which is going to care one way or the other as long as the right people benefit and the right people are punished.
True that. erode those numbers and convert them to the gospel of solar punk.
For the rest Least I can get them to admit there bs. Which sadly they have zero problems doing. Just look at Elon.
Yeah I think the conclusion comes first and then rationale is invented later. There is no changing of minds based on evidence (spiritually fanatical or not)
Last I checked there were already many drilling spots sold to these companies that remain unused. Have oil and gas corporations expended this backlog already or are they looking to hoard additional ones?
So, producing even more oil will lower the price of gas at the pumps right? Right??? /s
Maybe getting AGI online might be the only way to leave something of humanity after our extinction.
Maybe the AGI is already in control and is the puppet ensuring it gets what it needs to thrive before it kills us all.