I’m just impressed they managed to hole saw multiple overlapping circular cuts into that mirror without breaking it.
That is some dedicated jankery.
Which is why it’s so surprising they didn’t extend the box and love the receptacle out. Maybe this is just a cheeky picture taken during the dry fit of the mirror for the meme?
Which is why it’s so surprising they didn’t extend the box and love the receptacle out.
I know it’s a silly typo, yet my brain did the visualization
Or a plastic mirror.
That is an ancient GFCI, grab one of these and make sure it trips and resets for your own safety.
Edit: this guy
It’s probably because homedepot doesn’t respect gdpr, so they block European ip’s to not get sued. I’ve experienced that a lot when visiting some American websites
Stupid sexy Europeans and their stupid sexy privacy laws
They apparently block Turkish ones too (even though from my knowledge turkey isn’t any better than USA in privacy)
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Stop using MS Edge.
Edit: my mistake, thats an akamai CDN. Ive only seen that issue with edge though (including one release of edge that errored out the same way constantly), so I assumed, and became an ass.
edgesuite.net is an akamai CDN, it has nothing to do with MS edge
Yeah that’s my mistake, ive only seen it with work PCs that force edge, not any other client.
Including Firefox mobile, which is what I used (and they did) without issue.
I am using Firefox on mobile. This is probably named after edge computing
Looks like an akamai CDN, my bad. Ive only seen that issue with work PCs where edge is forced.
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Unfortunately, these actually might not show if the GFI is working, and might give a false negative.
If there is no equipment ground, the outlet must be labeled as such, but it is allowed by code so long as protected by GFI. However, since all these testers do is shunt hot to ground, if there’s no ground connected, it won’t work and appear if the GFI is not working. However, assuming it’s working, it will still do its job, since it they protect against ALL current leakage, and not just ones through the outlet’s ground path (otherwise they’d be pretty useless).
I had a “landlord special” where they extended an old 2 wire box with no ground, and my PC case shocked the fuck out of me after I had the carpet cleaned and was walking on the damp floor. A ground would likely have dissapated that bit of current leakage, but also a GFI would have probably tripped when I touched it. They weren’t willing to run a new wire with a ground because, unsurprisingly they were cheap fucks, but I convinced them to install a GFI for safety at the very minimum.
Also worth noting that these things are easy to fool for ground, since it’s bonded to neutral, and shitty electricians will tie them together at the outlet to trick the tester into seeing a “ground” when it’s actually neutral. It’s dangerous as fuck, and the only way to check is by taking the plate off and seeing if the outlet is properly wired.
Yeah, if there is no ground present (ie a 2 wire cable in a plastic or ungrounded metal box), they just won’t trip as the ground prong is effectively isolated.
While not the best idea, you can usually derive a quick ground from a plumbing pipe, assuming copper or galvy pipes (pex obviously won’t work), or a metal gas pipe. I’ve done it in a pinch when a proper system ground wasn’t feasible, but only as a temporary measure.
Way less expensive to get a 10kΩ resistor and put that between earth and live to make sure the GFCI trips. Source
, don’t do this.And run the risk of tickle time if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing lol. Those plug testers are an easy means for a layman to check it. They make ones as cheap as $5, that’s just the one I always have in my pocket as a professional electrician.
I carry a fork that way I can use it for lunch as well
Good idea. It takes forever to clean the scorch marks off of my belly/Prince Albert chain.
What a terrible day to have eyes and imagination
Right, I was making a joke and using that as an excuse to link to ElectroBOOM. I didn’t think anyone would take it seriously, but added a
to my comment.
as someone who has worked with flat glass it’s impressive you still have a mirror
Plexi mirror, still the guys gets props for hackiness
Draw arms and legs on it and it’s a beanis
That outlet is definitely not a surveillance device. Please do NOT touch.
Sincerely, Your Landlord:
The National Security Agency
I don’t see a camera hole in the middle, it also seems too old to be one, but who really knows.
They make ones that look out the ground plug now. It’s wild.
Edit: but yes this one looks too old
True, didn’t see any with GFCI that were designed that way when I looked them up, but they probably exist.
Oh you might be right there too
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So Hasbro’s Operation was merely a training simulator
At least it’s a GFCI? My bathroom has just an ordinary outlet
GFCI outlets aren’t too expensive. If you own the place you should fix that. If you rent the place you should complain lol.
I don’t think non-GFCI outlets are even compliant with code in most places! If you rent the place, demand they be made safe. Or maybe someone reports a shock or a small electrical fire happens…?
Don’t you need a ground wire for them to work? The electrical was put in in the 50s and so there is no ground, and rewiring the entire house is a headache
So at least it should trip when the squirting blood shorts it.
You can see in the photo that it’s GCFI.
Edit: Sorry, I misread your first sentence
You may have a GFCI connected to it somewhere. If wired correctly, you only need one in a chain to do the job. It could be under the sink or something.
Could also be a GFCI circuit breaker protecting the entire circuit.
Landlord: The basin and mirror must be in the exact centre of the wall. Good bye.
Tradesman: No problem.
Those landlords crack me up
Even the outlet is going “wtf man?” D=
First reaction was how fucking stupid are people. But then reading other comments here I have to ask myself are they also a pervert wanting to watch people in the bathroom
He didn’t want to put the connector on the outside of the mirror with a cover covering the cut? So close for a proper looking outlet
In the immortal words of Burt Gummer:
“Just doing what I can with what I got.”
“Just doing what I can…get away with!”
- Landlords everywhere
He could at least put a piece of split tubing in there to make the edges rubbery
Get a law degree, Slice your finger off, now you are the landlord.