It’s not a double standard though. Killing one person who was objectively profiting off of the lives and suffering of millions of people is very different than killing/imprisoning anyone who disagrees with you.
- Declassified CIA report: Even in Stalin’s time there was collective leadership. The western idea of a dictator within the communist setup is exaggerated. Misunderstandings on that subject are caused by lack of comprehension of the real nature and organization of the Communist power structure. Stalin, although holding wide powers, was merely the captain of a team and it seems obvious that Khrushchev will be the new captain.
- Debunking: “Communism killed more people than naziism!”
- Second Thought: We Need To Talk About “Authoritarianism”
He still banned being gay. He signed a law that made homosexuality punishable by five years imprisonment. Stalin is cancelled for being homophobic.
Tbf literally everyone before the 1970s is canceled for that.
No, not literally everyone. 10% of the population was gay back then, same as now. The institute of sexology in Germany was performing bottom surgery for trans women.
Homophobes want you to think gay acceptance is new, but it’s not. There have always been people who could tell right from wrong. Stalin wasn’t one of them.
Not everyone
that doesn’t make it better
The argument isn’t to say its better or good. Rather, it is arguing that all likely alternatives to said politician would show the same homophobia policy. So given a frame of reference of politicians of that time, their LGBT policy doesn’t make them worse than realistic alternatives.
Stalin didn’t ban being gay, because again, the USSR wasn’t a dictatorship. If the USSR did, that obviously sucks, but ostensibly democratic US and Britain have done worse.
He signed the law when it arrived on his desk. If he had been an ally, he wouldn’t have signed it. Drag can’t imagine Joe Biden signing a law like that, even if the house and senate approved it. Joe Stalin is held to the same standard by history.
If he had been an ally, he wouldn’t have signed it.
can’t imagine Joe Biden signing a law like that
Bringing up 2024’s Biden is a non sequitur. We already went over this: no mid-20th century Western state was a gay ally.
Yeah Stalin still had issues and it was awful that the working theory at the time was homosexuality was a result of western decadence since literally all the rich people they found were doing weird sex stuff and Germany and the US killed all the gay communists and socialists they could and burned their books so there was no real example they could find of any ‘deviance’ being innate.
That all being said towards the end the crack down wire off and five years labor is still better than what any other country at the time did to cure the gays.
Hold up a minute, you are putting words in my mouth. I’m not even making any claims in my comment about how many Stalin killed or that he acted alone. Only the historically accurate fact that he is responsible for a significant amount of death and suffering, and that statistically it is impossible that everyone persecuted by the (Stalin lead) soviet government was innocent. You can argue numbers and western perception all you want but it is a historical fact that Stalin had the blood of innocent people on his hands, as many world leaders throughout history have had (including most if not all us presidents). Even if your claims are true it still doesn’t invalidate my point.
Tankies see in monochrome, either he’s genocidal or he’s a socialist icon I guess
One difference is that we are 100% certain Luigi did not even accidentally kill one single innocent person.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone
- It’s a big difference whether you live in an unjust system and individual terrorism is the only recourse you feel you have left, or whether you are the leader of a massive bureaucratic state that has other options.
- There are numerous reasons to be mad at Stalin, and offing capitalists is not one of the top ones.
- Betraying everything Lenin and Marx stood for by bolstering the bureaucracy instead of abolishing it (admittedly partly also the fault of the German social democrats).
- Abandoning the idea of world revolution in favor of his brain dead socialism in one (technologically and culturally backward) state that didn’t have the material conditions for socialism in any way, shape, or form.
- Collaborating with the Nazis at the beginning of WW2.
- Smothering nascent revolutions like the Chinese one, sending many of them on a one-way track back to capitalism, and constructing undemocratic bureaucracies like itself.
- Killing soviet democracy.
- Rolling back on the social accomplishments of the October Revolution (e.g. abortion).
This is by no means an exhaustive list.
Luigi had the courtesy to allow the witness 5 feet from him to go about her day. He knew who the real problem was.
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Oh look, Holocaust denial being upvoted
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Double genocide theory, including the lie that Stalin “killed more people than Hitler” is a form of Holocaust denial. Condemn Stalin all you like, but once you start repeating lies created by Nazis to downplay the Holocaust, you are holocaust denier
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Stop repeating neonazi lies and read the link I posted please. Andb yes, the idea that Stalin killed more than Hitler is a lie, one made up to downplay the Holocaust
First of all that’s not true, and second of all most of them were Nazis.
We have liberated them, and they will never forgive us for that. — Georgy Zhukov
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And yet you’re trying to use the Nazis killed by the Red Army as a way to condemn Stalin
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No, it’s objectively a lie, one told by people trying to downplay the Holocaust. Nobody who actually condemns fascist dictators would try and use Nazi soldiers killed by the Red army as a point AGAINST Stalin.
found the Victims of Communism fiction enjoyer