Day 4: Ceres Search
Megathread guidelines
- Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
- You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL
- What is this?: Here is a post with a large amount of details:
- Where do I participate?:
- Is there a leaderboard for the community?: We have a leaderboard with the info on how to join in this post:
<spoiler title>
def read_input(path): with open(path) as f: lines = f.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): ln = line.replace("\n","") lines[i] = ln return lines def find_X(lines): Xes = [] for j, line in enumerate(lines): ind = [i for i, ltr in enumerate(line) if ltr == "X"] for i in ind: Xes.append((j,i)) return Xes def find_M(lines, x, dim): # Check for Ms M_dirs = [] for i in [-1, 0, 1]: x_ind = x[0] + i if x_ind>=0 and x_ind<dim: for j in [-1, 0, 1]: y_ind = x[1]+j if y_ind>=0 and y_ind<dim: if lines[x_ind][y_ind] == "M": M = [(x_ind, y_ind), (i,j)] M_dirs.append(M) return M_dirs def check_surroundings(loc, lines, check_char, direction): max = len(lines)-1 check_lock = [loc[i]+direction[i] for i in range(len(loc))] if all(i>=0 and i<=max for i in check_lock) and check_char in str(lines[check_lock[0]][check_lock[1]]): return True else: return False def part_one(lines): ans = 0 X = find_X(lines) dim = len(lines[0]) for x in X: M = find_M(lines, x, dim) for m in M: loc = m[0] dir = m[1] if not check_surroundings(loc, lines, 'A', dir): continue loc = [loc[0]+dir[0], loc[1]+dir[1]] if not all(i>=0 and i<=dim-1 for i in loc): continue if not check_surroundings(loc, lines, 'S', dir): continue ans+=1 return ans def extract_square(lines, loc): str = "" for i in range(-1,2,1): for j in range(-1,2,1): x_ind = loc[0]+i y_ind = loc[1]+j if not all(p>=0 and p<=len(lines[0])-1 for p in [x_ind, y_ind]): raise ValueError("The given lock is at the edge of the grid and therefore will not produce a square") str += lines[x_ind][y_ind] return str def check_square(square): if not square[4]=="A": return False elif not ((square[0]=="M" and square[8]=="S") or (square[0]=="S" and square[8]=="M")): return False elif not ((square[2]=="M" and square[6]=="S") or (square[2]=="S" and square[6]=="M")): return False else: return True def part_two(lines): ans = 0 dim = len(lines[0]) for i in range(1,dim-1): for j in range(1,dim-1): square = extract_square(lines, (i,j)) if check_square(square): ans += 1 return ans path = r'Day_4\input.txt' lines = read_input(path) print("Answer part 1: ", part_one(lines)) print("Answer part 2: ", part_two(lines))