ass fuck. 100%
That’s a tough one. My SO will let me fuck her ass anyways. I’d probably pick that one but the swallowing option is hard to say no to. Because I have to choose I’ll say anal.
Get a new girlfriend. Lol
Luckily, my wife is amazing and loves it all!
I’ll choose the assfuck
I like a good blowjob and cumming in her mouth, but there are not many things in the world I would choose over fucking her ass.
well, unfortunately I guess I would choose neither. I can’t do anal because it hurts them too much and they’re not a fan of cum so watching them gag and try to get it down isn’t a turn on for me (I know it is for some, but unfortunately the gagging porn completely throws me off). A really sloppy oily handi would be nice, maybe even a finger up the bum but they don’t like doing that either lol.
Idk, are people actually ok with having someone perform a sexual act on them the other person doesn’t enjoy? Is the premise that it’s a special treat because they don’t enjoy it or just don’t have the time for it? I very much need constant enjoyment from my partner during sex or I stop. That whole “letting me finish” thing isn’t my shtick.
I would agree that you can’t really care about the person that you are fucking if you are doing something with them that they don’t enjoy. It would instantly turn my cock limp.
We don’t do anal nearly as often as I cum in her mouth as it takes more time and prep. Also the gf has a major cum fetish going on. So probably anal if she is in the mood.
Did you mean that she is OK with the taste of semen?
She loves to play with it after Icum while fingerin herself. She also wants me to edge to have as big loads as possible over her face and body. We are currently look into storing some from when I fap for her to play with during sex.
Ass, it’s always the ass.