programmerhumor lemmy continuing the fine r/programmerhumor tradition of memes that are only tangentially related to technology and have dick all to do with programming posted by non programmers who want to hang out with nerds
I say we let them hang with us. They’re a little confused, but they’re adorable enough.
Also, talesfromtechsupport effectively became talesfromtech because just tech support is to small of a niche to sustain a sub with content. Likewise, if we banned all the not-strictly-programming humour, I don’t know the community will thrive still. It might drive out both content and viewers, and while it’s arguably correct, I don’t think it’s wise.
I’d rather have it be something vaguely resembling the type of humour programmers tend to have than a little walled-off box with a big sign “NERDS ONLY”
programmerhumor lemmy continuing the fine r/programmerhumor tradition of memes that are only tangentially related to technology and have dick all to do with programming posted by non programmers who want to hang out with nerds
I say we let them hang with us. They’re a little confused, but they’re adorable enough.
Also, talesfromtechsupport effectively became talesfromtech because just tech support is to small of a niche to sustain a sub with content. Likewise, if we banned all the not-strictly-programming humour, I don’t know the community will thrive still. It might drive out both content and viewers, and while it’s arguably correct, I don’t think it’s wise.
I’d rather have it be something vaguely resembling the type of humour programmers tend to have than a little walled-off box with a big sign “NERDS ONLY”