Does that mean scraping without paying access to scrape it is circumventing a protection and so can be treated like cracked software/piracy of movies? /s
Why the /s?
Because this will never actually happen
Why do you believe that?
Because corpos don’t pay
Do you want it to be?
Preferably. You do not?
Maybe something like fair-use for the common folk but any commercial product has to pay?Technically it’s only for AI stuff, so honestly it doesn’t matter if you’re doing other stuff
CF needs some good PR after the gambling website stuff.
The what
i think he is talking about 🤡strike debucle from fee month back.Debacle.
“debucle” is what happens before CF dry-humps you.
Debuckle is what my dad did before I got the belt
Whoever says parents aren’t hitting their kids enough either weren’t abused much as a child or were abused far too much. I was abused just enough to avoid ever having kids.
No, its about CF taking down a gambling site (Reddit link)
This, and I think the firing of some ppl but might be confusing it
The gall of Cloudflare to think they can be the arbitrator of scraping… this is what happen when all y’all give a singular publicly-traded, US-based major control of the general internet infrastructure by purposefully letting them man-in-the-middle your production sites. Now they get to sell access to what was once an open internet. Instead every time Clouflare or Fastly go down, half of the internet goes down with them.
They don’t think they’re the arbitrer of scraping dumbass, this is a service they’re selling to websites who don’t want AI scrapers taking adnatage of them.
I guess if you can’t beat them it’s the next best thing.
Another wall to try and make it so only the rich corporations can make AI, what a shock.
This is what all the useful idiots bleating against ai have been working towards.