So I’ve done a bunch of application development in windows in C# and Java, and while Java stuff is pretty similar in Linux with Swing I’m not as confident in C# there (not too familiar with Mono), but I also want to diversify a bit too. Any recommendations?
If u wanna go with c# then use something like gtk# or cross platform gui lib like Avalonia
JetBrains Rider is probably the best C# IDE for Linux, and MS ported .NET server stuff a while ago.
I’m not sure about C# GUI toolkits on Linux. WPF isn’t there, and I’m not sure how mature Maui is on Linux.
Yeah outside of Java I’m wondering if I might have to start learning some OpenGL/Vulkan stuff for graphics.
Maui has zero Linux support. I don’t believe there are any plans for it, either.
However, Avalonia is fully supported, and is almost a drop in replacement for WPF.
I think Avalonia is pretty great for C# cross-platform UI stuff. JetBrains Rider is the best C# IDE on Linux.
Didn’t .net core depreciate the older .net framework stuff, and by extension Mono, and the target you should be looking at going forward is the new .net core stuff?
(I’m more a janitor than a mechanic, so my understanding of what framework is or isn’t dead this week is probably lacking, but I recall seeing an awful lot of chatter going on about that.)
If it makes sense for your software, please consider giving it a web interface and turning it into a localhost-only web-service.
Not averse to the idea, but why so? What’s the advantage?